Would you like to become an 'Expert by Experience'?

As a project, a huge part of our work is to link up the skills, knowledge and experience at the University of Derby, with those of the local voluntary and community sector. And one of our schemes, Experts by Experience, aims to achieve just that.

Experts by Experience sees members of the community working within the voluntary and community sector contribute to lectures at the University of Derby.  It’s a great chance to help widen the horizons of our future health professionals by sharing real life experiences on health and social care related topics.

Whether you are a community group wishing to enlighten our future health care professionals or a University Lecturer wanting to enrich your student’s learning, Experts by Experience can be of huge benefit to all.

Past speakers from the community sector have been experienced in subjects such as:

·       Hearing/sight loss

·       Being a family carer

·       Medications management

·       Mental health issues

·       Fibromyalgia

However, we’re currently looking for a range of expertise in all areas of health and social care and we would love to hear from you!

Rita from ACCA (pictured with our Project Support Officer, Viv), is one of many valued community experts who have taken part, talking to over 80 Nursing students per session.

If you have a lived experience that you’d like to share, why not contact us via community@dva.org.uk to discuss becoming an ‘Expert by Experience’.  A small financial contribution is paid to your charity of choice by way of thanks. 

If you are a University lecturer and would like an ‘Expert by Experience’ to deliver a session to your students about a particular topic, please also get in touch!

Community Chesterfield